Fifty Shades of…Absolutely No Way

The perfect Biblical argument why no “Christian” should see this movie or any other like it. Thanks for being a good and godly example of what a woman should be!

Amanda Christine

If you truly consider yourself a follower of Christ—a Christian—there is no way you can justify going to see Fifty Shades of Grey. A high statement? Well, you’ve been called to a high calling (2 Thessalonians 1:11, 2 Timothy 1:9, Hebrews 3:1).

I’ve been hearing a lot of talk lately about this new movie that is scheduled to release right before Valentine’s Day. I’ve read reviews of the book, and have heard the premise of the movie. And if there’s one thing I have to say, it’s that I’m mad. Really mad. Almost sick with anger.

This movie is, quite literally, pornography (I read that of the 100-minute film, a full 20 minutes is sex. That’s 20%, people). I have a really hard time presenting an argument against it, because I’ve gotten to the place where I’m wondering how people who claim to follow Jesus Christ can even try…

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